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Fern Plant


¿Cómo van tus propósitos?

Construir más.
Piensa más claro.
Sueña en grande.
Vive mejor.

What does Dandelion-Mate help with?


  • Helps fight and prevent various cancerspancreatic, prostate, colon, rectal, breast, liver, and lung cancer +
  • Combats hepatitis, melanoma, leukemia, and viral infections
  • Blood cleanser
  • Increase white blood cell count: antioxidants and polysaccharides stimulate immune function
  • Digestive tonic
  • Provides relief for digestive issues like upset stomach, intestinal gas, and fluid retention
  • Helps with gall stones and fluid retention
  • Caution: Do not take with liver medication
  • Blended with Drink of Life to enhance nourishment for both mind and body. Blood sugar regulation, anxiety 



How much Dandelion-Mate should I drink?

Drink 2-6 cups a day (maximum of 48 ounces) for best results.

Oman's Dandelion Maté


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Houston, Texas 77060 

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Pasadena, TX 77504

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Mercado La Estrella 

10420 Eastex Fwy Puesto #B-85

 Houston, Texas 77093

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Celular: 281-639-1033

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© 2017 por Salud de Omán

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