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Added benefits from 'A Drink of Life' with the addition to: improved eye sight, night vision, cataracts, retinal damage, hardening of arteries, varicose veins, chest pains, chronic fatique and syndrome, arthritis, gout, skins issues, UTI's, and kidney disease.

Oman's Bilberry-Maté

  • Making a gallon at a time with spring or alkaline water. 1/4 cup with one gallon and boil for 1-2 minutes. Turn off and place lid on top and let steep for 30 minutes. Contents settle at the bottom. Pour slowly into another pot and throw contents away.

    Weight Loss: Drink 30min before meals to suppress appetite

    No Weight Loss: Drink 30min after meal

    Dosage: Drink a maximum of 16-32oz depending on weight size

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